Tuesday, March 1

Okay, so I know I haven't posted for a while. But frankly, nothing has happened. I've been studying. Mikey B. says I should make stuff up to post, like about the cool guy Abraham that lives upstairs who has taken to calling me "Sister Sara" who gave me this cool white outfit that looks just like his and has invited me over for punch this evening. Hmmm...that wasn't so bad. Maybe I'll have to try that again sometime.

Anyway, I had a major "Ack!" today. See, I've found this decent local independent radio station and on a whim I emailed for more information when they said they were having a "contest" to find a new DJ for the station. (No, Mom and Dad, I'm not pursuing a new career, this is just for a once-a-week evening slot or something like that.) Anyway, shortly after I get a reply that says, "Hey! You're in! We're giving you the last slot! We'll be in touch on setting up a time for you to come down so we can try you out."

Ack! Apparently they just automatically took the first 20 people that expressed interest and here I am, auditioning to be a DJ. I'm not sure what to think. I'm simultaneously stoked and freaked. I'll keep you posted.


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