Wednesday, February 2

I keep forgetting to update everyone about the whole eHarmony issue. I did end up tracking down the culprit, but since the intent was neither malicious nor mischievous, I'll refrain from disclosing the person's identity.

I was able to get the password to the account, though, and after much enticing, attempted to fill out their "Personality Profile" survey. They billed the survey as being some sort of miraculous revelation, so I figured I'd give it a shot to see if there was something I didn't already know about myself. I'll post the results and you can judge for yourself. It took quite a bit of perseverance to finish the thing. I did the whole test over a period of about three weeks, but I'd say I probably put a total of two and a half hours into it. So here, finally, are the results....

Regarding my personality and "core values":

- You tend to be loyal to others. Your loyalty shows in a variety of ways including your "staying power" with relationships and activities.
- You are a good friend and are always willing to help those you consider to be your friends. You also show strong ties, and will be uncomfortable when separated from your friends for an extended period.
- You prefer a warm, friendly environment free of conflict and hostility. In that environment, you prefer reassurance of your involvement and self-worth.
- Others may perceive you as being undemonstrative and self-controlled. Not wanting to be the center of attention, you generally support others.
- You tend to be a traditionalist, and will enjoy the social environment best if it is stable and predictable. You dislike sudden decisions about where to go or what to do, preferring to think things out first.
- Because of your lenient and complacent nature, others with fewer scruples may take advantage of you. You could, perhaps, benefit from greater assertiveness.
- You have a basic need to be supportive of others. You will agree with others, sometimes even if it's not what you really want.
- You tend to dislike sudden or abrupt changes. You prefer things the way they are. Your motto might be: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
- You may demonstrate positive possessiveness by developing strong attachments; however, you will not be overly involved as some others tend to do.

I'd say they're maybe 75%-80% right here. There's a lot of things that fit me here, but the whole "dislike sudden or abrupt changes...prefer things the way they are...'if it's not broken, don't fix it'" thing is way off, I think. ...Right? And I think it paints me as more compliant than I really am. Anyway, there's more. Here's what they say is the "natural behavior [I] bring to an interpersonal relationship":

- In your group, you may support the group leader rather than vie for a leadership position yourself. As a result, the group leader will usually appreciate the support you bring.
- Others will notice that you are a sincere person about what you say and do. This trait, along with the excellent listening skills, creates an individual whom most people find pleasant to be with and a calming type of person.
- You have a communications style which many people are comfortable with almost immediately. You are sincere, a good listener, not pushy and overall a comfortable person to be near.
- In communicating with others, you may support the mainstream ideas rather than new trailblazing activities. You may prefer the stable and traditional activities.
- You tend to internalize conflict. As a result, if something about another is bothering you, you may bottle-up feelings and keep them inside.

Again, this is close to the mark, but I think they're pegging me as more conservative than I really am. Hmmm...but maybe I just THINK I'm non-traditional... But moving on, here's a list of "communication styles that mesh well with [my] own":

- Expect some resistance if you don't get your way.
- Find areas of common interest and involvement.
- Ask "How" questions to draw out opinions.
- Look for details that might get ignored.
- Listen sincerely.
- Patiently draw out personal interests.
- Get to the bottom line of the problem and speak at a rapid pace.
- Provide solid, yes or no answers--don't say maybe.
- Present ideas softly, nonthreateningly.
- Work to achieve mutual satisfaction.
- Understand a defiant nature, and know it is not malicious.

I'm a little fuzzy on this stuff, but I think it's supposed to be the kind of person I should be with. And I don't think I'm going to disagree with any of it. Then again, what person wouldn't benefit from being with someone who "listens sincerely"? Okay, and here's the "specific personality traits and strengths [I] bring to a relationship":

- You are generally very patient with people.
- You are very empathic towards other people.
- You tend to be a very calming influence in heated situations.
- You are excellent at listening to the concerns and ideas of others.
- You are a dependable and caring partner.
- You take pride in being very loyal to friends and family.
- You tend to give others a sense of self-reliance and strength in a relationship.
- You are very supportive of other people.
- You tend to work hard at making sure that other people are happy.
- You are a big thinker with big plans and a big image that usually carries through.

I'd like to think this is me, but who wouldn't want to be able to say these things about him- or herself? I think eHarmony may be blowing smoke up my butt on this one... Anyway, here are my "wants":

- To be seen as a leader.
- To be measured by the results obtained, not by the manner in which those results were accomplished.
- Opportunity for personal involvement.
- To show and prove your abilities through challenging activities.
- Excitement and variety of activities.
- Freedom to do what you want to do.
- Independence from others occasionally.
- Freedom to act independently from time to time.
- New challenges and problems to solve.
- Unusual, new or innovative activities.
- A chance to be seen and heard--to work hard and play hard.
- New and innovative things to do.

This one's pretty good. Especially all this stuff about independence, seeking out challenges, and needing to prove myself.

So that's it. I'd definitely like some responses on this. Is it accurate? I think it's pretty good, but I'd have to say that I've gotten results almost as good from a quiz in YM or something like that. So I'm still a bit suspicious as to whether eHarmony is the miracle matchmaker it claims to be. And hey, even if they can find a guy who "listens sincerely", "works toward mutual satisfaction", and understands my defiant nature, what are the chances that I'm not going to find him totally boring?

What can I say? I'm a skeptic. Always will be. Hey, I don't think I saw anything about that in my profile...


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