Sunday, February 6

I had a near disaster this morning. I had almost completed the perfect breakfast sandwich, but when I went to the refrigerator for a slice of my muenster to top it off, I found my bag of muenster slices was missing. I was nearly beside myself. It appeared all my morning efforts for a perfect breakfast sandwich would be in vain. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Sara, couldn't you just pull out that hunk of co-jack you've got stashed in the back of the fridge and use a couple of slices of that?" But the answer is an unequivocal "No, I could not!" Co-jack simply would not do. I HAD to have muenster. Fortunately I had an epiphany and removed the crisper drawer. Sure enough. The cheese had slid off the shelf and down in between the wall of the fridge and the drawer. Thank goodness I had this revelation or I don't know what I would have done.


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