Tuesday, January 11

Over the weekend I had yet another under-the-influence-of-NyQuil incident. I've been suffering from another one of my viral infections and I knew I'd have to go in and work a full day on Saturday. So Friday night I drugged myself up nice and early around 8 so I could get a good night's sleep. Around 3 am I woke up. I was very tired and groggy, but for some reason did not fall back asleep. Instead my engineering mind started trying to probe the cause of my illness. And I concluded that part of the problem was that I don't have a forced air heating system so I'm not getting enough fresh air in my apartment (never mind that I'm hardly ever actually IN my apartment). Now if it wasn't insane enough that I was thinking about air changes and the Ideal Gas Law at 3am, I actually got out of bed and started opening up my outside doors to get some fresh air. So after a few minutes I tried to close the place back up and I couldn't get the French doors out to my side porch to shut tight enough to be able to bolt them. After much pushing and shoving it became quite evident that I was going to have to get a hammer involved. So then I thought, "Oh no, I've got to take my Christmas tree out these doors. If I get these doors shut, I probably won't be able to get them open again. I'd better just take the tree out now." (Remember I'm under the influence of a strong sedative.) So I start pulling lights off the tree and I finally come to my senses. "WHAT AM I DOING? It's 3am, I'm sick, I'm tired, and I'm tearing apart my Christmas tree?!" It was at this point that my path became clear: I had to knock myself out again. So that's what I did. I said, "I don't care if it makes me groggy tomorrow. I don't care if my apartment is unlocked. I just need to sleep. Someone can come and take all my stuff, just as long as they don't wake me up." And I slept peacefully, got up at 8, and dealt with door problem at a normal hour.


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