Thursday, February 10

Do you know somebody who keeps telling the same joke over and over? I mean, I understand it happens. I catch myself doing it by accident sometimes. What I'm talking about here is intentionally using the same lame pun over and over. I used to work with a guy who, knowing I was an HVAC engineer, used to always ask if had "all my ducts in a row". (Har, har, har...) That was bad enough. But now I work with a guy who has an even worse pun that he uses even more often. Whenever you ask him the polite, "Hey, how's it goin'?" he replies, "Positively ducky. Either I'm going quackers or I'm having a fowl day." Yeah, I know. Bad news. The first time he said it, I gave a polite chuckle. The second a third times, a polite smile. Now, I just don't respond. I feel bad, but you just can't encourage this kind of behavior. I can't allow this guy to go around thinking this horrible phrase is funny or clever. I'm thinking about refraining from asking how he's doing altogether.


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