Wednesday, September 20

I think I may have given myself a shiner.

This morning while groggily fumbling around to hit snooze on my alarm clock I knocked it off the nightstand. So now the alarm clock is on the floor, still screeching at me. I heaved my shoulders over the edge of the bed to reach down and retrieve the alarm clock. Unfortunately I miscalculated my position and as I threw my torso over the edge of the bed, I also managed to throw my left eye squarely into the corner of the nightstand. And when I say "throw" I don't mean "gently nudge". I mean throw. Now the area below my brow bone is very tender and I have a lovely headache.

I think there's a good chance I'll be wearing shades to work tomorrow.


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Abby said...

That totally reminds me of the time a couple years ago when I whacked my head on the corner of my nightstand. The crazy thing is that I did it in my sleep. I hit it so hard that when I felt my scalp it was actually bloody. I then proceeded to take a shower at 3am b/c I didn't wanna go back to sleep with a bloody head.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I don't think I've ever heard that one! Ouch! the "identity" post. You've got a good, disarming writing style. I hope you have time to post more!

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Abby said...

Glad that you enjoyed "identity"... I don't particularly enjoy exposing my writing to other people because I don't have much confidence in it, but it's encouraging knowing you, big sister Sara, enjoyed it.


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