Monday, August 21

I am proud to say that the party was a great success. A good time was had by all.

The grill was assembled, the bathrooms clean, the meat purchased, the beverages on ice. So I felt rather prepared. But there was a still a few moments of panic. Will the dismal weather keep people away? Will things get dull and people scatter after scarfing down their food? But the answer was "no" on all counts. The turnout was as expected and everyone stuck around. The food was tasty and the conversation lively. Even the kids had a good time, I gather. I found muddy little footprints in my shower from their game of hide and seek. And somehow after it all, I ended up with more food and drink than I started with.

So I guess I need to have another party. It's so wonderful to have a home I can entertain in.


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