Thursday, August 17

I have been shamed. On all sides.

First, I have been shamed into posting again. Not just by people asking when I'm going to post again. But now both of my siblings have started up their own weblogs and I feel I must fulfill my sibling rivalry obligation and get back to the business of posting mundane and occasionally interesting details about my life. Hopefully I will be able to whip myself back into shape and find my A-game once again. I'm also hoping their work will inspire me as my creative juices have fizzled as of late.

I can tell that my brother is finding out how difficult it is to stay inspired while blogging as he has already fallen to posting every couple of weeks. And mostly about the Ryder Cup. But hopefully he will become inspired once again because those early posts were quite entertaining.

My sister has only just begun, so who knows what she'll come up with. She's headed off to college, so there will be plenty of excitement to post about. The only question will be whether she will have the time to post about it. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

But on to my second source of shame. I have been shamed into having an open house this weekend at my new abode. A friend at work planned a cook out at his house and on the invite listed the occasion as "a reason to gather and ask Sara why she has not had a party at her new house". Ouch. So when his family got sick and he was on the verge of canceling, I decided to step up, redeem myself, and host his event at my house.

So here I am having a cookout at my house. Only I've never hosted a cookout before. And I don't have a grill. Or at least I didn't have a grill until yesterday. But that's another story I will hopefully have time to write about tomorrow.


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