Why is it so much harder to be honest with nice people than mean ones? I'd like to think nice people deserve honesty, but maybe that's not the way to think about it. Is honesty a good thing? "Thanks for the vase, but it's really not my style." "What you lack in natural talent you more than make up for in passion for your craft." I'd have no problem saying these things to unpleasant people (and I'd probably say them with less tact), but are these things that should be said to nice people? I'm trying decide how I'd want to be approached and I've got mixed feelings about it. Generally I want people to be honest with me. If I've wronged someone or there's an area of my work that needs attention or something like that, I'd like to know, no matter how poorly I may receive it. But negative feedback can also be a blow to one's confidence, which can often make things worse.
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