Tuesday, November 30

I love yoga class. It's the only workout I do where my heart rate goes up, I break a sweat, but I walk away feeling long, lean, energized, and serene (rhyme unintentional). There's just a couple of problems with my yoga class. The first is the yoga room is right next to the nursery. Now it's frustrating for me, but I can't imagine what's going through the minds of the mothers in the room when you're trying to mellow out for final relaxation and some kid (who could be yours) is shrieking next door. The other issue is that we have a heavy breather in our class. Now in yoga, you're not supposed to do any breathing through your mouth, so your breathing is deep, but quiet. But there's this one guy that sounds like he just had a few beers and conked out in the lazy boy. It makes it tough to focus. And it's difficult to relax when I'm imagining myself smothering a guy with his own yoga mat.


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