Thursday, September 25

I'm all about getting to the point, but not so much so that nobody knows what you're talking about. Here is an email exchange from work this morning.


Looking at the RCP we received this week, I was wondering if we could extend the slots bordering the tree courtyards. I am faxing you a sketch showing the location. Please let me know what you think.



The reply?


"OK" what?

"Okay, you're going to go pick up the fax and get back me"?

"Okay, I'll do exactly what you ask. Your wish is my command..."?

"Okay, yeah, whatever you annoying nutjob"?

Or, as Christy said, "Okay, I'm too cool to write out my whole name, so I shall use my first initial, and I don't have the time to take my caps lock off so I shall type an 'O' and a 'K' followed by a period to make it a concise sentence, before I sign it with my cool trademark 'B'. And also, I'll get around to looking at your fax, and I'll get back to you when I figure out if it works or not. But, I'll get back to you fashionably late, because that's my style. Not too eager. Peace out."

I'm sorry. Really, I'm not a sociopath.


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