Friday, September 19

I am intrigued by the new Limp Bizkit video. The first time I saw it, I was rather put off by it, but the second time, I was drawn in. I think my reaction is part of the reason I like it. The song is called "Eat You Alive" and it's not your traditional rap-metal love ballad. In the video, Fred Durst shouts the song through a megaphone in the face of a girl he has apparently kidnapped. Not your usual act of love. The girl is understandably frightened and put off at first, but gradually warms to the guy by the end of the song. She doesn't walk off into the sunset with him or anything hokey like that. And if untied, she'd probably still run away, but she has grown sympathetic to his position. Kind of like my reaction to the video and Limp Bizkit in general. I'm not a fan, and I have no intention of going out and buying any of their CDs but I have gained some respect for them for doing something original (this is miles ahead of "Your Body is a Wonderland") and contrary to the usual narcissistic vibe of MTV.


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