Thursday, May 15

I've got a great story for you. Now this did not happen to me. It happened to a friend of mine. She said I should post it, but leave her name out and I will respect her wishes.

Anyway, this friend, we'll call her "Gladys", has been dancing around going out with this guy, Drew, for months, but they're both really busy...yada yada yada... So Gladys calls Drew up on his cell and asks him to be her date for a wedding. He plays it cool, says "let me check my shedule" and all that but pretty much agrees to go. Gladys is excited and immediately sends a text message to a friend's cell saying, "Well I did it. I asked him out! First time I've ever asked a guy out." Only she didn't send it to a friend's cell, she entered the wrong number and sent it to Drew's cell. Yes. Imagine her emabarrassment when she got a text message from Drew that read, "I hope he's a good date!"


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