Friday, May 2

My working situation is a little unusual. I hear from my boss about once, maybe twice a week by phone and see him in person about once every other week. That's about it. It may sound nice, and in some ways it is. But the thing is that when your boss only calls you once a week, it's usually not to say, "Hi, Sara! How's it going? Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your hard work. You're doing a great job!" So when I got an e-mail from him today after he had reviewed my drawings with the contractor, I groaned. When I opened it and it contained a page-long list of items, I was terrifed. My first thought was, "Oh no. Boy am I gonna get it when I see him on Monday." But as I read, my spirits lifted. First off, the items on the list, well, very few of them pertained to me or the areas I am responsible for. Secondly, most of the comments were positive. "The drawings...look very good for this point in the project evolution, and I was proud to review the drawings with the group." Sweet! "Thanks! Today was a good day!" Always a good thing.

So to sum up: Today isn't looking so bad after all.


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