Tuesday, April 29

Sing Sing update:

I wrote a very nice e-mail back to our buddy Karl:


I was pleasantly surprised by your email. It's obvious that you guys take quite a bit of time and care to put together a good show. I've been to Sing Sing several times and can't say I've had anything but a good time. (Can you tell I'm feeling a twinge of guilt for being critical?) Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you guys do a great job of entertaining and I'm sure I'll be back again soon.



I received this reply:

Hi Sara,

There is no need to feel guilty. The hardest part of our job is to keep it fresh and adding new material. We understand that there will be repeats. We talk about the need to always be working on new stuff at all of our staff meetings. I was just giving you a hard time. Hey, that's my job right? I have a great team of guys and I thank you for recognizing the hard work. The next time you come in please introduce yourself to me. I'm the one with the beard. Nice to talk with you. See you soon.


Quite courteous. So last weekend when we stopped in at Sing Sing, not only did they have some new material, but I also met Karl. We chatted briefly and during the conversation he informed me that he would not be e-mailing me again. (?) And not to worry, he was not stalking me. (?!) Not only that but he repeatedly assured me throughout the evening that he was not stalking me. It's like the kid that says, "Mom, just so you know, I didn't take any cookies while you were out...Just so you know."

All this leads me to wonder: Karl, have you had any restraining orders in your past?


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