Wednesday, April 30

On most occasions I try not to inflict my admitted music snobbery on others, but today I will indulge myself. For the 2 of you out there who really care about what I have to say about music, read on. The rest of you can go back to your surfing and come back tomorrow.

I just want to say to the music afficianados who bought into the hype last year and bought and enjoyed The Stroke's Is This It?, well, I completely agree with you. It was a good album that I thoroughly enjoyed....however, the time has come to put it away for a while and turn to another group of NYC moptops, Interpol. Turn on the Bright Lights, released by Interpol late last year, is everything Is This It? wanted to be and then some. I am by no means a music critic and will not begin to compare and contrast the albums, but I will say that everything I found lacking in ITI? I discovered in TOTBL. Thanks for your time. You can now go back to your Hail to the Thief countdown.


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