Wednesday, October 3

Frustration by the Dashboard Light

The other evening I was waiting in line to use the drive-up ATM. Imagine my frustration when the car in front of me slowly inched up to the ATM, pulling up a full three feet away from the machine. The driver then sat there for a moment before unbuckling her seat belt slowly opening the door. I figured she would do the same thing that most people do when they pull up too far away from the machine, that she would then lean out of the car and proceed using the ATM. Instead, she slowly got out, turned around and closed her car door securely behind her. She then began her transaction which took a full 5 minutes! Now I could maybe get over this if this was the only ATM around, but this bank also had a very nice ATM located in its well-lit, air-conditioned lobby that's available 24 hours a day. Now if this woman was going to get out of her car to use the ATM, why would she use the drive-up ATM when there is a perfectly good ATM in the lobby just 20 paces away? The whole thing reminded me of the debit card incident a few years ago.


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