Monday, May 9

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to find my way through a day. But for all the chaos I breed and as clueless as I feel, I will occasionally come across someone who reminds me it could be much worse.

The other day I had just such an experience. I went to the grocery store, picked up the items on my list, and got in line to check out. Now I think we've all been behind people in line who forget to pull out their coupons on time or to put that 24-pack of TP on the belt or, my personal favorite, they refuse to even pull out their checkbook until after the total is read to them and THEN proceed to slowly fill out their check. These are all frustrating, but nothing in comparison to what I experienced the other day.

The man in front of me wanted to debit part of his purchase and get some cash, only he had apparently never used his debit card before because he had no idea how to use the card-reader at the checkout to actually complete the transaction. After receiving detailed instructions from the cashier, he scanned his card and proceed to enter the amount of cash he wanted when he was supposed to enter his PIN. "No, Sir. You need to enter your PIN first."

At this point I look up and see people who were behind me in line already walking out the door.

So he starts the process over again, enters the PIN and then gets over anxious with the "Enter" key and blows right through the part where he's supposed to enter his cash amount.

I'm thinking about trying to find another cashier, but my stuff's already on the belt, so I'm committed.

So they cancel the transaction and try again. Only this time, when entering his cash amount, he gets all spastic on the zero key and requests $4000 cash. So they try again and he makes the same mistake AGAIN, followed by two subsequent attempts where he enters $400 instead of $40.

Now this whole time he's removing his glasses and putting them back on, pulling his face to within two inches of the screen on the card-reader, and then leaning back. Now I'd expect this kind of behavior from a 90-year-old maybe, but this guy looked to be maybe 45.

Anyway, fifth time was a charm and he finally got it right and went on his way, but not after I'd waited 20 minutes in the checkout line. Don't worry, I was kind and patient with the guy.

That's why I have this blog. To vent so I can continue to be patient with those who frustrate me. Sounds downright noble, doesn't it?


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