Wednesday, September 10

I've been meaning to post on this topic, but I keep forgeting. So here goes...

I absolutely love the show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" on Bravo. Basically, each episode is centered around five gay men trying to help one straight man get his life together. I'm not sure where they find the candidates for the "Fab Five" to makeover, but I'm sure they don't have to look far. They're mostly just your average bachelors who need a nudge in the right direction when it comes to style and culture and don't a have a girlfriend or wife to do the honors. Sure, the show could be done by five women, but it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. You can see the guys bristle at the beginning as they get assaulted by five flaming gay men and are scared they're going to get made over into queers, but as the day goes on, they slowly warm up and are genuinely appreciative of the positive changes. It's all rather touching actually and the changes in these guys are quite impressive. It all comes together to make a show that's head and shoulders above such TLC fare as "Trading Spaces".


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