Tuesday, December 3

If you had to decided to sneak into my apartment last night, you would have been greeted by a strange sight: me cooking, wearing a t-shirt, mesh basketball shorts...and 4-inch heels. Believe me, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. You see, I got home from the gym and I wanted to make lasagna. So I figured it was senseless to shower and change if I was going to get spashed with tomato sauce and smell of garlic. Now about the heels. Weelll, I've got this great pair of heels that I'd like to wear to the office Christmas party this weekend. The problem is that they're sky high and after wearing them for a couple of hours, I want to cut my feet off. So I figured that I'd wear them around the house this week and get my feet used them. Maybe then I will be able to wear them for the duration of the party without significant discomfort.

And that is how I ended up making lasagna in basketball shorts and 4-inch heels.


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