Monday, November 25

Okay, I know I've been delinquent in posting and I sincerely apologize. I will try to make a better effort to stay on top of things from now on. Things have been getting a little crazy and out of control around here, but I'm reigning it all in now. Last week Thursday and Friday was my first of what will likely be many trips out to Washington, D.C. It was definitely interesting and informative, but it made my first day at work seem like a cake walk. I was introduced to just as many new people, but these people all worked for different companies with different functions. This one was a project architect, that one an owner representative, another a contractor, still another a commissioning agent and the list goes on and on. I really could have used polaroids. It was all very intriguing, though. And since no one really expected me to know or contribute anything yet, I could spend the entire time absorbing information about the project and, just as importantly, the people that I will likely be working with for the next couple of years. Now I think I've got a good feel for who can get things done, who gets bogged down by details, who will be sympathetic when I have problems, who will be calling me when they have problems, etc. Now let's just hope I can put all this information to good use.


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