Tuesday, November 19

It has taken many, many years of trying, but I am finally able to tolerate, and almost enjoy, yogurt. To many this may seem trivial, but for me it is a triumph. For many years I've wanted to like this dairy product, mostly for its convenience. Repeatedly I force-fed myself the stuff, hoping that I could learn to tolerate it and maybe even one day grow to like it. But time and time again I would fail. It would often take me up to half an hour to consume a mere 8 ounces of yogurt. You'd think after repeated failure I would give up, but a week or so ago, I regrouped my efforts. I bought every kind of yogurt imaginable in the hopes that I might find just one worth eating. Imagine my surprise when I found I could eat several of them and actually even enjoyed some. It's wonderful, it's amazing, it's... I'll tell you what it is. It's a triumph of the human spirit!


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