Saturday, November 16

Having spent the past couple of years in solid Frederik Meijer territory, I'd forgotten what a stranglehold Sam Walton has on the rest of the country. See, Butler, my new home, has just recently gotten a "Super Walmart". Now to everyone here, it is like heaven on earth and they think the place is a miraculous modern achievement. What they don't seem to understand is that Meijer has been doing this for decades longer than Walmart. They are unaware that oh so many years ago it was Frederik Meijer who had the vision to serve humanity by placing semi-fresh produce, antifreeze, electronics, prescription drugs, cheap haircuts, and even cheaper clothes all under one roof. And not only that, he chose to make all this available 24 hours a day! Mr. Meijer, I hope one day you'll get the credit you deserve.


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