Wednesday, November 13

A few weeks ago, while my car was being inspected, I shared the waiting room with a little Mexican man. After a few minutes he got my attention and asked the time. He followed that up with the next logical question: "How old are you? Are you married?" When I said "no", he immediately followed with: "Soon, though, right?" When I again said "no", he said, "Don't you have a boyfriend?" At this point, I probably should have been insulted, but instead I chose to be amused. So I told him I didn't have time for a boyfriend and talked about my then approaching move to Pennsylvania. He dropped the topic and told me about his family back in Mexico. After that we sat in silence for a while. Then all of sudden, his eyes lit up, he looked at me, and with his thick, latin accent he exclaimed, "I know! Maybe you find a boyfriend in Pennsylvania!"

Maybe, Little Mexican Guy. Maybe.


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