Tuesday, June 28

How 'bout that heat? It's about all anyone can talk about these days and understandably so. It's miserable out there. There's a reason I live north of the Mason-Dixon Line and it's so I don't have to deal with crap like this (in addition to other loathsome things like grits, drawls, and sweet tea). My brother also had a few choice words to say about the heat:

"Trying to sleep when it's hot is like trying to sleep when somebody's punching you in the face."

"People who say that it's better when it's hot out? When I'm president, I think I'm going to have them executed."

Any other thoughts on "the heat"?

Oh, and I received a great forward from PJ yesterday that made my day. It simply read:

Some people are like slinkies...

Not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.



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