Tuesday, June 7

I had another grocery store experience this evening. Once again, I was in the checkout line. I was waiting patiently for the lady in front of me to finish, when from behind I heard an astonishing series of belches. I expected to turn to find a youngster but instead found an elderly gentleman with a comb-over and polyester pants. Surprisingly enough, he apologized and looked sheepish so I decided shelve the disgusted look and smile and shake my head instead. I say "surprisingly" because seldom do guys seem to be embarrassed about these things and generally speaking (I may be getting myself into some trouble here) the elderly tend not to get embarrassed about much of anything. But I was inclined to smile and chat with this guy since he had the decency to look sheepish...and because I can't really expect much more from a guy whose $50 purchase consisted almost entirely of baked beans, jello cups, orange soda, and Mylanta.


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