Tuesday, June 21

In further weekend film foibles, Sunday afternoon I decided to finally watch Doctor Zhivago for the first time. So I popped in the disc, "widescreen" side up, to catch the epic movie in its fullest form. The main menu pops up and I hit "Play Movie". So I'm watching the movie and it's a little difficult to follow, but it's playing along nicely. Then, before I know it, it's done in only 80 minutes. So, I'm thinking, "That movie is WAY overrated. And what kind of 'epic' is only 80 minutes long, anyway?"

So I browse through the chapter menu to see if I somehow skipped over something and there it is: "Chapters 1-37 on Side A". D'oh! In my defense, though, neither the menus nor the DVD itself were in any way marked to indicate side "A" or "B".

Anyway, with this revelation, I was able to watch the movie in it's entirety and I must say that it is much better with the first 120 minutes than without.


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