Monday, June 27

Burger King keeps getting wackier by the day. And I think I like it.

First it was that creepy plastic king from the commericials that eerily keeps showing up everywhere. 5 points for that one. The King (not Elvis) is way cooler than Ronald McDonald. Heck, he's even cooler than The Hamburglar. (What ever happened to him, anyway?)

Next came my favorite, the subservient chicken. 15 points. There's something delightfully devious about making a guy in a chicken costume do push-ups or dance on command.

Another 5 points to BK for the sack that my food came in today. It reads:

Official Baggler Procedure

French fries that have attempted to escape from their container only to strand themselves in the bottom of the bag are called "bagglers." Bagglers are fair game. The first to open the bag and retrieve the baggler gets to eat the baggler. Therefore, it is in one's best interest to be the keeper of the bag.


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