Monday, June 6

Sales clerks are useless. Whenever I need one, there isn't one to be found. Otherwise they won't leave me alone. Or when I do finally throw them a bone and ask for help, they can't help me. Either they have no idea how to help, or they're just plain clueless. For example, a couple of weeks ago I went to the music store to try to find etudes and exercises for guitar. The guy manning the section asked a couple of times if I needed help finding anything. After "just browsing" for a little while, I finally asked if they had any "books of etudes and exercises for guitar to increase strength and dexterity, kind of like a 'Hanon' for guitar". The guy nods solemnly like he knows exactly where to go, then proceeds to walk me through the guitar section and point out the various sections ("Classical Guitar Method", "Fingerstyle Method"...) and then walk away. Thank you, Mr. Obvious.


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