Monday, March 28

Women: Just because pantyhose are labled "sandal foot", it does not mean they should be worn with sandals.

Men: Don't worry about it. Wearing your sandal foot pantyhose with pumps isn't going to make you look any less ridiculous.

Thursday, March 24

It's always fun to watch the grocery store cashier react to what you purchase. Like when I'm sick and I come to the register with my arms full of over-the-counter drugs. You can see her hesitation to hand me the receipt because she's going to catch what I have. I've always wanted to throw some KY jelly and laxitives into the mix to see if I could get her to visibly shudder. But I always chicken out.

My, this Terri Shiavo thing is painful to watch. I can sympathize with both sides of it. I guess the thing to be learned from this is that everybody should make explicitly clear their wishes regarding their own body. Personally, I can't think of anything more painful for me than having my family fight about me in the media. Just pull the tube, please. That would be infinitely more pleasant.

Monday, March 21

I had my first experience with food poisoning this weekend. My abdomen made noises I hope I never hear again. On the bright side, my pricey sushi addiction is cured.

Friday, March 18

Wow. Thanks so much to everybody who logged on and voted this morning. I'm quite flattered and surprised! Well, in case you weren't able to listen to the final decision, I won the internet vote with around 60% but didn't get enough points from the DJs to go on to the next this point. There's still a wildcard round I can qualify for. But let's not get our hopes up. Regardless, I had a lot of fun. The same kind of fun as doing the triathlon, I think. Staring fear and intimidation in the face and just going for it. Now I just need a new unreachable goal. Any suggestions?

Thursday, March 17

That whole Pepsi/iTunes thing is a load of crap. "1 in 3 wins"? I don't think so. I've opened 8 "specially marked" Diet Pepsis with nary a win. Not that it matters. I don't own an iPod. It's just the principle of the thing.

Wednesday, March 16

I finally made work of getting a new stat-tracking service for the blog. And now I'm also getting raw IP data on all the hits. You can no longer stalk me anonymously. I've been having a blast pinpointing my visitors, figuring out who's who. I am puzzled about a regular visitor from Zeeland, MI. I can't figure out who that could be. Would you please introduce yourself?

Monday, March 14

From what I hear, everybody's curious about this whole DJ thing, so here's the scoop. I will be on-air for WBER sometime between 7am and 7:30am this Friday, March 18. If you don't live in the greater Rochester area (and chances are you don't), you can listen via the internet here. I will be "competing" against two other candidates. At 8am, voting will open up on the website and will subsequently close at 9am, at which time the winner will be annouced. The winner moves on to the next round along with 6 others. Sooooo....even if you are unable to listen in and hear me make a fool of myself, at least vote! (For me, preferably...)

Thursday, March 10

I hate it when people e-mail in ALL CAPS. I feel like they're SCREAMING AT ME!

Wednesday, March 9

I just don't get this whole "American Idol" thing. What's the big deal? It's like a karaoke bar...without the beer. How much fun is that? The answer is: "It is no fun at all."

Sunday, March 6

Finally. A real stab at a solution for the fractured, polarized, and downright chilly political climate we in the great US of A find ourselves in. I give this concept a standing ovation.

Wednesday, March 2

I don't like to talk shop, but if there are any of you blog-browsing computer geeks out there who are looking to make some extra cash, you could bring in some serious dough developing a GUI for DOE 2.2. There are thousands of engineers out there (myself included) who are dying to use this program but have neither the time nor the inclination to program in C++.

When I went to Denny's (the restaurant) to study last night, I was severely disappointed to see that the Breakfast Dagwood is no longer on the menu. I mean, that breakfast sandwich was totally off the chain. It was like Moons Over My Hammy on crack. I don't know what to order anymore.

Also, to the dude in the booth next to me wearing the tank top, hats off to you, man. It's 15 degrees out with a winter weather advisory and you're still trying to show off the ink. Rock on.

Tuesday, March 1

Okay, so I know I haven't posted for a while. But frankly, nothing has happened. I've been studying. Mikey B. says I should make stuff up to post, like about the cool guy Abraham that lives upstairs who has taken to calling me "Sister Sara" who gave me this cool white outfit that looks just like his and has invited me over for punch this evening. Hmmm...that wasn't so bad. Maybe I'll have to try that again sometime.

Anyway, I had a major "Ack!" today. See, I've found this decent local independent radio station and on a whim I emailed for more information when they said they were having a "contest" to find a new DJ for the station. (No, Mom and Dad, I'm not pursuing a new career, this is just for a once-a-week evening slot or something like that.) Anyway, shortly after I get a reply that says, "Hey! You're in! We're giving you the last slot! We'll be in touch on setting up a time for you to come down so we can try you out."

Ack! Apparently they just automatically took the first 20 people that expressed interest and here I am, auditioning to be a DJ. I'm not sure what to think. I'm simultaneously stoked and freaked. I'll keep you posted.