Tuesday, November 9

This weekend I found this great little theater only a mile from my house that shows independent and foreign films. And I went and saw I Heart Huckabees. But neither of these things is what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the preview I saw for a new movie called The Machinist. And more specifically, Christian Bale playing the lead roll in this film. If you look at these images here and here, you'll likely have the same reaction I did: HOLY CRAP! Is this this the same Christian Bale who was in Empire of the Sun, Little Women, and American Psycho? As intense and dedicated to his craft as this guy is, I figured he had to have a little bit of CGI help looking this emaciated. So I did some research and according to interviews, there are no special effects. This 6'-2" guy dropped 60 pounds for this role. He says he wanted to get down to 110 lbs, but the producers made him stop at 130 because they were worried about his health. I mean this guy makes Tom Hank's weight loss, for whatever that cheesey Oscar bait movie was where he was stranded on an island a spent the whole movie talking to a volleyball, look like child's play. Apparently he was living off a can of tuna and an apple a day. Yikes.


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