Friday, October 15

Packing update: I made it my goal to get rid of one third of my wardrobe before I moved. Yesterday I achieved it. It wasn't easy. There's those pieces of clothing I keep hanging on to, thinking maybe someday I'll feel like wearing them again. Or the things I love but can't seem to find the right thing to wear them with. Or stuff I'm just hanging on to for sentimental reasons. But I had to remind myself that while I'm sitting around waiting for the right time to wear this stuff again, somebody else could be wearing them now. So, in essence, I'm doing my clothes a favor by donating them to someone who could love them and wear them more than I ever could.

So I did it. And now that adorable gingham checked, seersucker dress I wore for my high school graduation open house is neatly folded in a plastic grocery bag in a cold, damp Goodwill warehouse. (sigh)


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