Monday, October 18

Insanity abounds. Deciding to move out, move in, and start a new job in 3 days was admittedly a crazy choice. But like many seemingly insane decisions, it was made out of necessity.

So here I am, sitting at my new desk at my new job in a new town. As glad as I am to have the move done and done quickly, trying to move out and move into a new place in two days is an exhausting task. I literally feel like I was dragged out back and beaten with a bat. Even typing hurts. So I hope you appreciate the pain and suffering I'm putting myself through to bring you this update.

Now I'm not saying that all the work is complete, because it certainly isn't. This morning I had to empty out several boxes to look for things like cotton balls, towels, and moisturizer. And, having not yet been to the grocery store, I had to settle for the old college breakfast of cold pizza. Mmmm mmmm.

Oh well, at least I had a bed to sleep in and a hot shower. Life is good.


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