Monday, June 21

No, I am not dead. I've just been reeeeally busy. But I've never felt better. I finished my first triathlon! It wasn't pretty. In fact, it was probably near unbearable to watch. But I somehow managed to hold it together for 1 hr, 58 min. until I crossed the finish line. Boy, was it a struggle. Fortunately, my dad was sweet enough to sneak in and do the 3.5 mi. run with me. He coaxed and cajoled my whimpering (literally) butt to the finish line. The thing was so emotionally taxing, once I finally stumbled through the gate, I balled like a baby. Good times.

I'm already looking for another tri. So if there's one near you and you'd like to see Sara nearly have a meltdown, send me the info and I'll try to fit it into my schedule.


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