Wednesday, May 12

I will be eternally grateful to my friend Bethany "MacGuyver" Blood for showing the value in a good stapler for on-the-fly clothing repairs. See, a couple of summers ago, Beth and I were out for a night on the town in Erie. We had only been out for an hour or so when I made one fatal twist and flex of the shoulder and...pop! The strap of my camisole/tank broke. Now we were about 20-30 minutes from Beth's house, so going back to change was not an option. And we were NOT about to hang it up for the night already. So we headed to Beth's office down the street to see if we could finaggle some sort or remedy. We scoured the supply closet, searching for inspiration when suddenly Beth yelled "A-HA!" and held a stapler above her head victoriously. A couple of quick staples and I was good as new and we were once again on the move.

I have used this solution several times since. For instance, when a heel catches in the hem of a long skirt and pulls it looser. Or like today. On a trip to the bathroom, I got a little too fierce and pulled loose the bar on my hook-and-bar closure pants. But a few quick staples and I'm once again on my way. Now you have to be careful attempting this one. I've already accidentally stapled my shirt tail to my pants once today. And people do look at you a little funny when you take a staple remover with you to the bathroom. But I figure the looks would be much worse if I was walking around with my pants around my ankles.


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