Monday, June 23

So late Friday night found Sara at Walmart with some friends, shopping for sunglasses and a yoga mat. I was surprised at how busy it was for 11:30 pm on a Friday night. I couldn't believe how many kids were out that late...until I heard the page at midnight: "Attention, Walmart shoppers. Would everyone who is waiting to pick up their pre-purchased copy of the new Harry Potter book please line up at the Customer Service desk. Everyone who is waiting to buy a copy, please line up near register 12." And with that herd of people of all ages hurried off to their respective lines. I could not believe the amount of people who had showed up at midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning just to get their hands on a fresh copy of the latest Harry Potter book. It's not like there won't be any left the next day. Okay, so one time I did stop at Meijer at 1 am for a CD, but that was just because I was on my way home from a really late night of work and the new Bob Dylan CD was out. But it ended up being futile anyway. When I asked the employee in the music section where the new CDs were, he said, "Oh. You're looking for the Glitter soundtrack." Uh, no. The new Bob Dylan. "Bob who?" Never mind.


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