Wednesday, June 18

I view parking in Butler as a kind of gambling. You see, a parking pass costs $30 a month. A total ripoff, especially since I'm usually only there 4 days a week. The meters cost $0.25 an hour. So my challenge is to see how little I can pay for parking. The cops usually check the meters between 1 and 2 in the afternoon, but occasionally they mix it up. That's the gamble. You've got to decide how much of the day you want to cover whether it's worth the risk of getting a ticket. So far this month I'm ahead a good $8, including a $5 ticket I got two weeks ago. That means I've successfully cheated the city of Butler out of $8. And that's just between the hours of 8 and 5. I don't count the after 5 time I didn't pay for because they never check after 5. That said, they're probably ticketing my car right now...


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