Monday, June 16

I forgot to post this story Friday...

Friday morning I got into work early so I could leave early. (It didn't end up working out that way, but we won't get into that.) So I pulled into the parking lot and it was maybe 10% full, with around 50-60 empty spaces. I pulled into a spot, got out, and opened one of my rear doors to unload all my stuff. Up drives this lady and what do you know, out of all the parking spaces in the entire lot, she is bent on taking the one right next to me. So she pulls up and waits for me to close my door so she can pull all the way in. Now most people, when they see someone with car doors open in an empty parking lot, will pull into another one of dozens of empty parking spots. But not this lady. She sat and waited. I made sure to take my time as I unloaded my backseat. I don't know what I would have done if she had honked, but it wouldn't have been pretty.


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