Friday, March 21

Today, in stark contrast to last week Friday, was the busiest Friday...ever. I would walk away from my desk for two minutes to go pick up a fax and come back to a message on my phone. I would call the person back and by the time I got off the phone again, there were 2 more messages waiting. Making progress was a losing battle. I got nothing accomplished. One of the people I talked to actually asked me if I'd be in on Saturday so they could call with questions. Yeah, right. I may be in tomorrow, but the only reason I'll be in is because it's the only time I can get things done because nobody calls. I will still get e-mails from nutso architects at 11:30 pm Friday night or 7:00 pm Sunday evening, but those can be more easily ignored.

Yeah, poor me. But fear not. I'm about to hit the gym and start my weekend so the funk will soon be lifted and I'll be back to my cheery self. I know it's boring when I write about work, but, quite frankly, that's the only thing that's going on in my life right now.

Uh oh. Gotta go. I just got another architect e-mail!


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