Tuesday, March 11

It's for time a little lesson on this new fangled thing we've got called the "Internet." I've talked to a few of you out there who apparently don't know what a hotlink is and are oblivious to the fact that I use them in my posts, so I'm going to give you a little lesson to bring you up to speed so you can unlock all the wonderful treasures of this blog. Okay, who am I kidding? This blog doesn't have any treasures. It's just a blog. But at least you won't be in the dark anymore.

The concept of the hotlink is actually quite simple. It's just link to another page, whether it's another post within this blog, an image within the blog, or some site outside of the blog. Not too hard is it? The hotlinks in my posts have a different color font like this. Now, if you put your cursor over the word and click on it, bingo! You're taken to the hamster for president campaign site. Let's try this one more time. Did you spot that one? It should have taken you to the professional cheese racing website.

Now that you've mastered this concept, you should be ready to enjoy this blog to it's fullest. Have a great day and happy surfing.


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