Monday, March 10

I'm pretty sure I've got the most comfortable bed on the planet. Not only is the mattress in the Goldilocks tradition (not too hard, not too soft, just right), but I also splurged and got some of those higher threadcount sheets. And boy are they worth it. It doesn't get any better. Of course like anything in the world, there is a down side. In this case, it's that I can't get out of bed. It's bad enough that I'm not a morning person and it takes me about 3 hours to wake up, but having the most comfortable bed on earth makes it that much harder to get up in the morning. I have torture myself into getting up by kicking all the covers off until I'm lying there uncovered, curled up in a little ball, trying to stay warm. When I finally can't take it any more, I get up. It's a rough life.


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