Wednesday, October 10

Thank you, Radiohead.

I know I can always count on you to keep things interesting and you have not let me down.

Hats off to the most fascinating band making music right now for thumbing their nose at the record industry and their antiquated idea on record distribution by putting out an album--for which millions of fans have been waiting five years--themselves...for download only...for free, and essentially relying on fans to voluntarily drop a donation into the hat to pay for the album.

Although it was only a matter of time before something like this happened, Radiohead's move is nonetheless incredibly important for many reasons. Above all else, though, it means the days of the big record company are numbered. The past ten years have shown that the major record companies rarely have anything to offer small up-and-coming artists. And now one of the biggest bands on the planet is proving they don't need a record company either.

But far more interesting is the effect that this act has had...on me! I haven't been this excited about a new release in quite sometime, and it appears that the new album is having the same effect on others as well. My enthusiasm for music has been restored. I have once again been spending a ridiculous amount of time browsing music blogs and trolling for videos on YouTube, particularly in regards to all things Radiohead.

With the album coming out today, I have set aside my evening to do something I haven't done in a long time: sit quietly listen to an album from beginning to end. I can't wait.

Sunday, October 7

Rude Awakening

Last night, I had just fallen asleep when I got the following text message from my sister, photo attached.

Look what happened this weekend...took 5 interior and ten exterior stitches to sew it up

Ew. Apparently her softball tournament was pretty intense....

Friday, October 5

Deck the Halls...

My grocery store has Christmas stuff out already. That's just wrong.

Wednesday, October 3

Frustration by the Dashboard Light

The other evening I was waiting in line to use the drive-up ATM. Imagine my frustration when the car in front of me slowly inched up to the ATM, pulling up a full three feet away from the machine. The driver then sat there for a moment before unbuckling her seat belt slowly opening the door. I figured she would do the same thing that most people do when they pull up too far away from the machine, that she would then lean out of the car and proceed using the ATM. Instead, she slowly got out, turned around and closed her car door securely behind her. She then began her transaction which took a full 5 minutes! Now I could maybe get over this if this was the only ATM around, but this bank also had a very nice ATM located in its well-lit, air-conditioned lobby that's available 24 hours a day. Now if this woman was going to get out of her car to use the ATM, why would she use the drive-up ATM when there is a perfectly good ATM in the lobby just 20 paces away? The whole thing reminded me of the debit card incident a few years ago.

Tuesday, October 2

Caught this the other day in my rear they mirror. Unfortunately the camera phone picture didn't come out clear enough, but a woman appeared to be practicing the clarinet in traffic.