Wednesday, May 25

So I promised I'd tell the story of Reiffer and the double thumbs-up. Here goes...

Kimmy, Reiffer and I went to a Clarks show at The Magic Bag. The opener was Will Hoge and they were pretty good, especially for an opener at a weekday show. So The Clarks are just launching into their set when, as seems to be the custom with her, Reiffer's two Rolling Rocks have already gone through her and she's got to bolt for the ladies room. On her way back she runs into Hoge and band in the back of the venue and, frazzled from rushing to get back to the show and possibly a little fuzzy from the Rolling Rock, the only thing she can think to do is shove out both thumbs, cock her head to one side, say, "Nice job, man!" and trot off. Once she has time to digest what she's done, she is mortified, but resolves to redeem herself by bringing back the double thumbs-up as an appropriate and possibly even hip sign of affirmation. Ever the supportive roommate, I joined her quest and attempted to bust out the double thumbs-up "Nice job!" as much as possible. But, alas, our efforts were in vain. There is still nothing cool about the double thumbs-up.


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