Tuesday, July 13

So Saturday I did my second triathlon. Since I had already completed one, I decided I needed to set my sights higher than just completion. So I looked around for somebody I thought I might be able to beat. The women were pretty much all ripped and fairly young, so I figured there was a pretty good chance I'd be the last chick to finish because, let's face it, an athlete I am not. Then I acquired my target: a rail-thin guy that looked to be in his 70s. Now before you wag your head at me, note that this guy had some nice gear. Couple that with that fact that you don't get many first-timers in the 70s age bracket, and you have to figure that this guy is a heck of a lot more experienced than me. So anyway, I plugged away at it and finished in 1 hr. 45 min., a full 7 minutes before Old Guy. I was feeling pretty good. Then I talked to Old Guy as we were packing up our gear. Turns out he'll be 80 in a few weeks. 80!! He used to do marathons (just 2 or 3 a year) but now he's stepped down to triathlons. He tries to do 3 or 4 a year. Yeah. 3 days later, I'm still feeling like a lazy putz.


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