Monday, April 26

While channel surfing and folding my laundry this weekend, I'm embarrassed to say, I got stuck on "Wildboyz". Although this Beavis & Butthead-meets-Crocodile Hunter show is utterly juvenile, it did have me rolling on the floor with laughter when I wasn't completely aghast. The show combines minimal factual information on various animals with host's own adolescent observations, usually having to do with the animal's genitalia, or in the case of the musk ox, the animal's admittedly heinous amount of dingleberries. The show also involves plenty of interesting attempts at interaction with the animals including Steve-O walking on stilts with large pieces of food hanging out of his mouth in an attempt to make out with a giraffe ("I got tongue!") and the boys donning a zebra-print, old-school, two-man horse costume and trotting around with a herd of zebras. (In this instance, the hideously lucky twosome were actually pounced upon by a young lion who trotted off proudly with the head of the costume.) Certainly not mind-blowing material, but entertaining nonetheless.


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