Friday, April 16

I think the funniest show on TV right now just might be MTV's "Pimp My Ride". For those of you who haven't yet checked this out, basically some teen writes in about their junk car and how they get made fun of and asks MTV to "pimp my ride". So this crack automobile customization team descends upon somebody's poor '86 Cutlass Supreme with it's vinyl seats, busted electric windows, and sagging ceiling cloth and turn it into a garishly eye-catching, pimp-o-riffic automobile. The humor lies not only in the outrageous features added to these cars (TVs, PlayStations, DVD players, racing seats, suede interior (!), karaoke machine (?!), fish tank (?!!)...) but in that fact that they drop $8000 tricking out an $800 car. It's ghetto-riffic!


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