Monday, January 5

Ain't life grand?

I should have figured that a month ago when I planned a weekend trip to a ski resort with Cherie and Mirm, that something would go awry. Nonetheless, I was still taken by surprise when the forecast for last weekend showed highs in the low 60s...with rain. I didn't know whether to pack mittens and the snowmobile suit, or shorts and flip-flops. But as usual, the Three Musketeers managed to turn what most would consider a total bust into an absolute blast. Skiing was pretty much a no-go since the hills were slush and had more bald spots than a Rogaine convention. But tubing was a great substitute. A misty rain threatened to ruin our fun, but the precipitation held back until the last run of our two-hour session. Just as we reached the top of the hill, it started raining. And I'm not talking wimpy drizzly rain. I'm talking full-on coming down in buckets rain. But I have to say, that it was probably the best run of the day. Now I'm not saying I was itching to run up the hill and do it again, but it was fun to do it once. Most of the way down I had my head buried in my arm because rain was hurting my face, and when I rolled off the tube at the bottom of the hill I looked like a drowned rat, but I was grinning ear-to-ear like a 5-year-old.

We followed the tubing up with a hot shower, some pizza, and a Clarks concert. Tomorrow I'll try to publish a review of my first concert of the year.


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