Friday, December 12

We've all seen those restroom germophobes that turn off the faucet with a paper towel and then use it to open the door to exit the restroom. But at my office I've uncovered a new specimen this week. I was walking right behind this woman on the way to the restroom. When we got to the door she stopped and kind of bent over. It took me a second to realize what she was doing: she was pulling down her sleeve and using it to grasp the door handle and pull it open. Once inside the restroom she got a paper towel and used it to close the stall door behind her. I felt bad, but I couldn't help but stare. I mean, fine, if you want to be ultra sensitive after you've washed your hands with anti-bacterial soap, but why go to all the trouble to avoid germs when in 30 seconds you're going to be wiping your butt? If I see that lady in the restroom again, maybe I'll have to wait and wash my hands in the kitchen. Seeing the look on her face as I walk out of the restroom without washing my hands would be priceless.

I'm such a rebel.


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