Friday, July 25

We got these new vending machines at work and, well, to put it bluntly...they suck. The big problem is that they only take quarters. They're kind of like giant gumball machines because you put your quarters in the slots, turn the knob, and manually release the desired food item. Quite antiquated. But also a major nusance for me because I am used to paying for all my vending machine items with dimes and nickels so I can save my quarters for parking. They did install a change machine so you can change a dollar bill for four quarters, but I want a way to get rid of my midrange change. Sorry about the tirade, but I'm starving this morning because I had a pair of Oreos for breakfast and when I ran up to the vending machine for relief, I found I was out of luck since my handful of dimes and ten-dollar bill will get me nothing. All I want are some Poptarts! Is that so much to ask?


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