Monday, July 14

If you have any interest whatsoever in jazz, I strongly suggest you track down and purchase These Are the Vistas, the debut album by The Bad Plus. I'm not sure exactly how to categorize this album that often leans toward the deconstruction of freestyle jazz (a genre I don't normally appreciate). Most freestyle-type jazz has a cold, snobbish feel, much like, say, a museum of modern art. But this album is warm, fun, and dare I say, almost jubilant. It's evidence that, as advanced as digital and electric instruments have gotten, there is still no substitute for real piano and stand-up bass. They bring an equally intimate and grandios feeling that cannot be imitated by a machine. I've never heard jazz with so much joy. Even if you're not a big jazz fan, this album is worth it just to hear a jazz "deconstruction" of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Now there's something you don't hear every day.


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